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Museum Store

The Museum Store is located in the Freight Station. Offered are custom made ceramic Mechanicsburg crocks, mugs and flower pots, books, Christmas ornaments and toys. We accept cash or checks (sorry, we cannot accept credit cards). Below are some of our items described in more detail...

  • 2006-2010 and 2015 Christmas Balls are available.
  • Miniature Wooden Cutouts ~ Buildings of Mechanicsburg
  • Books and Publications ~ We have several books, from the classic Miniatures of Mechanicsburg to to the more recent Postcards of Mechanicsburg.
  • Mechanicsburg Museum T-Shirts ~ Show your pride in Mechanicsburg by wearing these t-shirts and sweatshirts of historic Mechanicsburg buildings.
  • Toys & Games: Every kid should have a railroad cap at some time or the other. And we've got some good old fashioned fun stuff here - wooden train whistles, yo-yo's and classic sets of Jacks and Marbles with carrying bag.
  • Historical Books: Books on Mechanicsburg and Early Cookbooks.
  • Historical Photos of Mechanicsburg
  • Mechanicsburg Pottery ~ We have beautiful ceramic mugs, flowerpots, crocks, plates and pitchers in gray and blue with a fine flower design on them along with "Mechanicsburg, PA."
  • The Museum Store offers a number of Eva Williams' prints of historic Mechanicsburg scenes, framed or unframed. Visit our gift shop for selection and prices.
  • Plus much, much more ~ If we listed everything we had in the store, there wouldn't be any surprises! So, to keep you on your toes we'll stop the list here and let you come on in the the Museum Store for yourself. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Hauck Directory

Hauck's Centennial Directory

  • A reprint of Mechanicsburg's first directory, published in 1876. This combination of listings, advertisements, history, and other items offers a fascinating look at how people lived, worked, and shopped in 1876. The directory is also available by mail order. The cost is $12.00 plus $0.72 PA sales tax, plus $3.00 shipping and handling, for a total of $15.72. To place an order, please send a check, along with your name, telephone number and address to: Mechanicsburg Museum 2 W Strawberry Alley Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Postcards of Mechanicsburg

Postcards of Mechanicsburg

  • This publication contains a collection of historic postcards covering several eras, events and historic sites. This book is also available by mail order. The cost is $6.00 plus $0.36 PA sales tax plus $3.00 shipping and handling, for a total of $9.36. To place an order, please send a check, along with your name, telephone number and address to: Mechanicsburg Museum 2 W Strawberry Alley Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Steeples, Windows, and Stories A history of Mechanicsburg Area Churches

  • This publication contains a collection of historic postcards covering several eras, events and historic sites. This book is also available by mail order. The cost is $6.00 plus $0.36 PA sales tax plus $3.00 shipping and handling, for a total of $9.36. To place an order, please send a check, along with your name, telephone number and address to: Mechanicsburg Museum 2 W Strawberry Alley Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

"A History of Mechanicsburg and the Surrounding Area"

  • A soft cover reprint of Norman Keefer's out of print history of our area This book is also available by mail order. The cost is $19.95 plus $1.20 PA sales tax plus $3.00 shipping and handling, for a total of $24.15. To place an order, please send a check, along with your name, telephone number and address to: Mechanicsburg Museum 2 W Strawberry Alley Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

"Images of America - Mechanicsburg"

  • Photos and history of Mechanicsburg's past. This book is also available by mail order. The cost is $21.99 plus $1.32 PA sales tax plus $3.00 shipping and handling, for a total of $26.31. To place an order, please send a check, along with your name, telephone number and address to: Mechanicsburg Museum 2 W Strawberry Alley Mechanicsburg, PA 17055